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December 7 – God’s Scripture – Survival Kit


Perfect neighbor, teacher, church group, or last minute gift suggestion for the holidays.
All of this is assembled to remind you of God’s love for you. 

Disclaimer: I can’t claim it as my own
although I did revise and break down to 2 types of gifts featuring “God”.
Post-It Notes – To remind you to list your blessings each day {Ephesians 1:3}
Button – To remind you to button your lip when needed {1 Peter 3:10}
CandleTo share your light with others {Psalms 18:28}
Rubberband – Remember to be flexible, God has it under control. {Romans 8:28}
Toothpick To remind us to pick out the good in others {Matt 7:1}
Band-AidTo heal hurt feelings; yours and/or someone else’s {Psalm 147:3; Colossians 3:12-14}
Cotton Ball – to cushion any tough times ahead {}
Puzzle Piece – to remind you that without God – You are not complete.{Proverbs 14:20}
Eraser – To remind you that every day you can start over with a clean slate. {Jeremiah 31:34}
or – To Remind You That Everyone Makes Mistakes,  And It’s Okay To Learn From Our Errors… {Gen. 50:15-21}

-*+*-  FOOD  ITEMS  -*+*-

Chewing Gum – To remind you God will always stick with you. {Hebrews 10:23}
  or  – To Remind You If You Stick With It, You Can Accomplish Anything {Phil. 4:13}
Lollipop – God helps you lick your problems {Gal 5:1}
Mint – To Remind You That You Are Worth A Mint To Your Heavenly Father {John 3:16-17}
Tootsie Roll – To remind you God is there even when you bite off more than you can chew {Psalm 9:9}
Starburst  – To give you a burst of energy to continue walking with God.
LifeSaver – To remind us God is there to help. {Psalm 46:1}
Chocolate Kiss – To remind you of God’s constant love. {1 John 4:7}
Snicker’s Candy Bar – Wanna hear God laugh? Tell him YOUR plans. {John 15:11}
Tea Bag – To Remind You To Relax Daily And Go Over That List Of God’s Blessings {I Thess. 5:18}

-*+*-  ORIGINAL LIST  -*+*- 

All of this is assembled to remind you of God’s love for you.

Also see the Christian Survival kit I have revised
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