5 Little Shamrocks
Two green shamrocks,
growing beneath a tree;
Another one sprouted,
and then there were three.
Three green shamrocks,
by the cottage door;
Another one sprouted,
and then there were four.
Four green shamrocks,
near a beehive
Another one sprouted,
and then there were five.
Five little shamrocks,
bright and emerald green,
Think of all the luck
these shamrocks will bring.

Five little leprechauns dressed in Green.
They’re the happiest I’ve ever seen.
This leprechaun has a big gold ring.
This leprechaun has a song to sing.
This leprechaun wears a funny wig.
This leprechaun likes to dance a jig.
This leprechaun nods his head to say
“We Wish You A Happy St. Patricks Day”
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