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Jesus’ Report Card

It is the end of the year and Jesus, who is a student at Nazareth School, returns home with his report card.  And, frankly, it’s not very good.

His mother has already seen the report card. She did not say anything, meditating all those things in her heart.  But today, the most difficult remains to be done.

It must be shown to Joseph.

MATHEMATICS: knows almost nothing, except to multiply breads and fish.

SENSE OF ADDITION: is not acquired, affirms that he and his father are one.

WRITING: never has his notebooks and pencils, is obliged to write on the sand.

GEOGRAPHY: has no sense of direction, says that there is only one way, and that it leads to his father.

CHEMISTRY: do not do the required exercises, and when you have your back turned, turns the water into wine to make fun friends.

EDUCATION: instead of learning to swim, like everyone else, walks on the water.

ORAL EXPRESSION: big difficulties to speak clearly, expresses in parables.

ORDER: lost all his school belongings and declares, without shame, that he does not even have a stone as a pillow.

CONDUCT: an unfortunate tendency to frequent foreigners, the poor, mangy, and even prostitutes.

Joseph thinks that it can not last and that he must take severe measures. 
And he exclaims: 

“Well, Jesus, since it’s like that, 
you can make a cross on your Easter vacation! 

see another of his report cards… Here

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