A – ACCEPT the scriptural command to be the head of your family.
B – BELIEVE God will keep your children as you nurture them in Him.
C – COMMIT yourself to the Christ, to your wife, and to each child.
D –DISCIPLINE them with love and wisdom from the Lord.
E –ENDURE hardness as a good soldier of the Lord.
F –FORGIVE any shortcomings your family may have.
G –GIVE of yourself, your time and attention untiringly.
H –HELP your children reach their full potential as they grow.
I –INSPIRE your wife and children to follow your godly example.
J –JOY, rejoice and have fun times with your wife and children.
K –KISS them often with a holy kiss of love and affection.
L –LOVE them all uncondionally and without reserve.
M –MARRIAGE is holy; teach your children to honor this union.
N –NEVER provoke your children to wrath, rather to love.
O –OPEN your heart to God’s love and the Holy Spirit’s Guidance.
P –PRAY constantly for your family.
Q –QUIET your spirit and thoughts before the Lord.
R –RAISE your children in the truths of the Word.
S –SALVATION; Share the Gospel of Jesus, the Savior with them.
T –TELL your children often that you love them.
U –UTILIZE your gifts and resources from God to build your family up.
V –VERBALIZE your pride, joy and love to your family.
W –WIN their devotion, respect, and admiration.
X –EXPECT God to bless your family as you serve Him.
Y –YEARN for a close relationship with God, for youself and family.
Z –ZEAL for the Lord in all you do will bless your family!