The season we’ve been waiting for
Is upon us once again;
We gather ’round the Christmas tree
With family and friends.
I watch the children open gifts,
Hearing cries of delight-
And feel contentment fill my heart
At such a happy sight.
Yes, everyone is glad today
And happiness abounds-
There’s joy and laughter everywhere:
No sadness can be found.
But all at once I hear a Voice
That whispers in my heart…
“Child, where am I in all of this?
Don’t I, too, have a part?”
And then I know that in our midst
-Though none of us can see-
The Savior’s here, and sees no sign
Of what Christmas should be.
Santa Claus became the reason
For the gifts we get,
and Santa figures adorn the house, but…
No Navitity set.
Somehow the Christmas Story has
Been lost down through the years,
And it hasn’t gone unnoticed…
Christ sees it through His tears.
I glance over at my Bible,
And wonder what to do–
Then Jesus whispers once again…
“Let it begin with you.”
So I tell the children of Christ’s birth
-And my heart begins to sing!
For I feel Him smile, and know I’ve helped
Dry the tears of the KING.
—Denise A DeWald