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Friendship Secrets

Are you a good friend? How do you keep your friendships strong?? Are you still in contac with your childhood friends or even those from school ? Do you have children and want to share some secrets to a lasting friendship? Check out this list for a few tips:

1. Keep your word
If you say you’re going to do something, do it. Follow through with it. You know what they say, actions speak louder than words.

2. Realise that nobody’s perfect
Do not judge your friend. Everybody has quirks and flaws, and accepting each other’s flaws is key to a good friendship.

3. Respect each other’s opinions
Your friends are allowed to have a different opinion to you, which is what makes us all individuals.

4. Realise that even the best of friends can’t be together 24/7
Develop other interests and don’t be jealous when your friend has other hobbies or other friends.

5. Communication is really important
Your friend can’t read your mind. If something is affecting your friendship, tell them.

6. Be a good listener when she needs to talk
Remember to laugh, listen and be kind!

7. Be trustworthy
If a friend tells you a secret, make sure to keep it. Never tell someone a secret your friend wanted you to keep. Don’t even leak it out to someone you think you can trust. A secret is a secret.

8. Don’t talk behind your friend’s back
Gossip is toxic and can ruin even the best of friendships.

9. Argue with each other
Best friends will have disagreements and even argue from time to time. This is not the end of the world, arguing in a healthy way can actually makes friendships stronger as you express what you both need to say and it is an opportunity to learn more about the other person.

10. Don’t expect your friendship to be perfect
Know that you’ll probably go through rough patches. Bear in mind though that sometimes you will have to give your BFF some space so that they can have time alone. Being a best friend means understanding when a little bit of time alone is a good thing.

11. Be your own best friend first
Learn how to respect yourself. Decide what boundaries are important to you and respect them. Understand what values are important to you, and stick by them. Seek out others who honor those values.

12. and finally… Remember the Golden Rule
Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Do not treat them above or below you, treat them like an equal.

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 “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.” – Mother Theresa

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