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The Eagle And The Turkey

It is said that in ancient times, eagles and turkeys were birds who were good friends. Wherever they are, these two friends always go together. It’s not strange for humans to see Eagles and Turkeys flying side by side across free air. One day while they were flying, Tom Turkey talked to Elang Eagle, “Let’s get down and get something to eat. My stomach is rumbling already! ” Elang replied, “Sounds like a good idea.”

Then both of them floated down to earth, saw several other animals eating, and decided to join them. They land near a Cow. This cow is busy eating corn, but when he noticed that an eagle and turkey was standing close to him, the cow said, “Welcome, please taste this sweet corn.” This invitation surprised the two birds. They are not used to having other animals share food easily. Elang asked, “Why are you willing to share your corn with us?” The cow answered, “Oh, we have a lot of food here. Mr. Farmer gives us whatever we want. ”

With that invitation, Elang and Turkey became shocked and swallowed. Before finishing, Turkey asks further about Mr. Farmer. The cow answered, “Well, he grew all of our food himself. We don’t need to work for food at all. ” The turkey is more confused, “You mean, Mr. Farmer gives you everything you want to eat?” The cow answered, “Exactly! Not only that, he also gave us a place to stay. ” Eagles and Turkeys were shocked! They have never heard of these things. They always have to look for food and work to find shelter.

When it came time to leave the place, Turkey and Elang began to discuss again about this situation.  The turkey said to Elang, “Maybe we should stay here.  We can get all the food we want without working.  The warehouse there is suitable as a nest as we have ever built.  Besides, I was tired when I had to always work to be able to live.  ” Elang was also shaken by this experience, “I don’t know about all this.  It sounds too nice to accept.  I am rather difficult to believe that there are those who get something without compensation.  Besides that I prefer to fly high and be free to sail across the wide sky, and working to get food and shelter isn’t too bad. In fact, I find it an interesting challenge. ”

Finally, Turkey thought about everything and decided to stay where there was free food and shelter.  But Elang decided that he loved his independence more than giving it away. He enjoys the routine challenges that make him alive.  So after saying goodbye to his old friend Tom Turkey, Elang continued his flight for a new adventure that he did not know how to go forward.  Everything is going well for Turkey.  He eats everything he wants. He never worked.  He grew into a fat and lazy bird.  But one day he heard Mr. Farmer’s wife mention that Thanksgiving will come in a few days and it would be wonderful if there was a roast turkey for dinner.

Hearing that, Turkey decided it was time to leave the farm and rejoin its best friend, Elang. But when he tried to fly, he realized that he had grown too fat and lazy.  Instead of flying, he can only flap his wings.  Finally on Thanksgiving Mr. Farmer’s family sat together facing the delicious large roast of turkey .

“You can’t soar with eagles if you’re hanging out with turkeys.” By Shola Anyi(c)2015

Various Types of Turkeys:

So, now that we have identified the Turkeys now it’s time to know what an Eagle is.

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